UltraScan Tutorials:
UltraScan provides several tutorials to assist the user in learning the fundamentals of analytical ultracentrifugation and to assist in learning efficient usage of the UltraScan software. Please feel free to also use the following workshops for classroom teaching.
- van Holde - Weischet
This tutorial contains an introduction to the van Holde - Weischet analysis, data editing basics as well as a guide to interpreting results obtained with the van Holde - Weischet method. Information about using the van Holde - Weischet analysis as a diagnostics tool are also provided. - Global Equilibrium
Analysis Tutorial
This tutorial offers hints and tips for designing optimal equilibrium experiments, suitable for global analysis. It discusses instrument settings, sample preparation, data collection, and data selection, which all play an important role in the design of equilibrium experiments. - Monte
Carlo Tutorial
This tutorial covers the basics of Monte Carlo analysis which is used to determine experimental uncertainties by virtue of lots of computer power.