# Example mysql config file. # Copy this file to c:\my.cnf to set global options # # One can use all long options that the program supports. # Run the program with --help to get a list of available options # This will be passed to all mysql clients [client] #password=my_password port=3306 #socket=MySQL # Here is entries for some specific programs # The following values assume you have at least 32M ram # The MySQL server [mysqld] user=ultrascan #password=ultrascan port=3306 #socket=MySQL skip-locking skip-innodb set-variable = key_buffer=384M set-variable = max_allowed_packet=24M set-variable = table_cache=512 set-variable = sort_buffer=4M set-variable = record_buffer=4M set-variable = thread_cache=8 # Try number of CPU's*2 for thread_concurrency set-variable = thread_concurrency=8 set-variable = myisam_sort_buffer_size=64M server-id = 1 # Uncomment the following if you want to log updates #log-bin # Uncomment the following rows if you move the MySQL distribution to another # location #basedir = d:/mysql/ #datadir = d:/mysql/data/ # Uncomment the following if you are NOT using BDB tables #skip-bdb # Uncomment the following if you are using BDB tables #set-variable = bdb_cache_size=384M #set-variable = bdb_max_lock=100000 # Uncomment the following if you are using Innobase tables #innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:2000M;ibdata2:2000M #innodb_data_home_dir = c:\ibdata #innodb_log_group_home_dir = c:\iblogs #innodb_log_arch_dir = c:\iblogs #set-variable = innodb_mirrored_log_groups=1 #set-variable = innodb_log_files_in_group=3 #set-variable = innodb_log_file_size=5M #set-variable = innodb_log_buffer_size=8M #innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=1 #innodb_log_archive=0 #set-variable = innodb_buffer_pool_size=16M #set-variable = innodb_additional_mem_pool_size=2M #set-variable = innodb_file_io_threads=4 #set-variable = innodb_lock_wait_timeout=50 [mysqldump] quick set-variable = max_allowed_packet=16M [mysql] no-auto-rehash # Remove the next comment character if you are not familiar with SQL #safe-updates [isamchk] set-variable = key_buffer=256M set-variable = sort_buffer=256M set-variable = read_buffer=2M set-variable = write_buffer=2M [myisamchk] set-variable = key_buffer=256M set-variable = sort_buffer=256M set-variable = read_buffer=2M set-variable = write_buffer=2M [mysqlhotcopy] interactive-timeout [WinMySQLAdmin] Server=C:/mysql/bin/mysqld-nt.exe