
Buffer Calculation Module:

To correct sedimentation and diffusion coefficients, as well as molecular weight, to standard conditions of water at 20 oC, use the buffer correction utility of UltraScan.

Note: This program will utilize the database backend of UltraScan. This functionality allows you to save certain files and data in a database, among them the nucleotide files analyzed with this module. If the database system is not supported or available on your system, you will get a warning message when opening this module.

This utility can be accessed in one of three ways:

  1. Click on "Buffer Corrections" in the Utility Menu from the Main Menu of UltraScan.

  2. Click on the "Density" or "Viscosity"button in the analysis window of any data analysis method.

  3. Through the database function "Commit Data to DB:Buffer", which will allow you to manipulate any buffer data stored in the database.

When using the second option, the temperature of the experiment will automatically be used to correct the density and viscosity of the selected components to the temperature of the experiment.

Explanation of fields and buttons:

Buffer File Loading:
You can load buffer definition files into this program by one of two methods:
  1. Load Buffer from HD
    Use this button to load a buffer definition file from your harddrive. A file dialog will open and allow you to search for *.buf files.

  2. Query Buffer from DB
    If you are using a database backend for UltraScan you can query the database for buffer definition files that have previously been committed to the database. Buffer definition files available in the database will be listed in the listbox once you click on this button. More information about various database functions is available elsewhere.
  • Help: Show this help file
  • Close: Close this function
  • Save Buffer to HD Save current buffer definition to a file on your harddrive. The suffix "*.buf" will automatically be added to any name entered.
  • Backup Buffer to DB: Use this function to save a buffer definition file to the database. Before storing a buffer definition file in the database, you need to have a copy of the buffer definition stored locally, for example, on your harddrive. You can then select the buffer definition to be stored in the database from a filedialog and after selection, commit the sequence to the database.
  • Delete Buffer from DB: Delete the selected buffer from the database. This function requires administrator privileges.
  • Reset Buffer: Reset all entries to zero and start with the density and viscosity of pure water at 20 oC
  • Density (20 oC): The density of the combined solution at 20 oC.
  • Viscosity (20 oC): The viscosity of the combined solution at 20 oC.

  • Buffer Description: If you save a combination of buffer components as a buffer definition, you have to enter a description for the buffer to help you identify it later on when loaded from the harddrive or database.
  • Please select a Buffer Component Use the buffer definition list to select a buffer component. The selected item will be displayed, as well as the units in which you should enter the concentration of the buffer component. As soon as you hit the key, the module will recalculate the density and viscosity of the buffer based on the current concentration of all buffer components and update the density and viscosity labels.

    In order to select an item from the list on the left, simply highlight the buffer component and enter the concentration in the units shown above the concentration entry field. Add this component to the buffer by hitting the enter key. You can repeat this procedure for each component to be added to the buffer. To deselect a component and remove it from the list, double-click on the item. Please note: There are different concentration units for various buffer components. Please verify the appropriate unit before entering the concentration.

  • www contact: Borries Demeler

    This document is part of the UltraScan Software Documentation distribution.
    Copyright © notice.

    The latest version of this document can always be found at:

    Last modified on January 12, 2003.